Dittrich, Samuel Petrus

The Rev. Samuel Petrus Dittrich, son of Pastor August Heinrich Dittrich & Marie Eleonora Klemm, was born 6 May 1834 in Livonia and died 4 April 1882 in Frank.
He attended the seminary in Dorpat and was ordained on 6 January 1861. From 1861-1863, he served as the director of the Central School in Katharinenstadt. He served the congregations in Morgentau (1863-1864), Riebensdorf (1865-1879), and Frank (1879-1882).
His first wife was Anna Amalie Lilienthal. His second wife was Jenny Butzke.
Pastor Samuel Petrus Dittrich is the brother of Pastor Felician Joseph Dittrich who also served parishes among the Volga Germans.
- Amburger, Erik. Die Pastoren der evangelischen Kirchen Rußlands vom Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts bis 1937 (Erlangen: Institut Nordostdeutsches Kulturwerk Martin-Luther-Verlag, 1998): 295.
- Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen und das religiöse L