Globeville (Denver)



In the late 1800s Volga Germans came to Globeville mostly from other Volga German settlements in the United States. By 1930 Globleville had an established settlement with well over 500 Protestant Volga German families from NorkaBeideckDobrinkaDönhof and Frank along with 200 Roman Catholic Volga Germans mostly from the colony of Göbel.

In the early years, Globeville was an independently incorporated town. It was eventually incorporated into the city of Denver. The Globeville neighborhood northwest of downtown Denver was bisected and re-bisected in the late 1940s and early 1950s by the construction of I-25 and I-70 which intersected in the heart of the neighborhood.



First German Congregational Church

Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. Paul's Lutheran Church


Doeppers, Daniel F. "The Globeville Neighborhood in Denver." Geographical Review 57:4 (October 1967): 506-522.

Reisbick, Anna M. Garden Place - Globeville: 1885-1950 (published by the author in 1995).

Sallet, Richard. Russian-German Settlement in the United States(Fargo, ND: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 1974): 49-50.

Our Parish and the Globeville Community