5 April 1923

Die Welt-Post, Thursday, 5 April 1923

Page 3, "From Nebraska and Russia"

December 10 1922
To: Jacob Kissler Hastings, Nebraska

Dear children Jacob and Elisabet:
       We bring you the happy news that we are all still well. We sent a letter to you with Pastor Wagner in which we said that the things you sent had not yet arrived. They are now in Saratov and we will see them in the next few days. We have already had to sell part of our crop in order to get the basic necessities for the household, we also need the crop for seed and for bread but there is not enough for everything. We are happily awaiting the things you sent, hopefully they will not go missing. If postage here were not so expensive we could write to you more often. 
      With many greetings we remain, waiting for a speedy reply,

                                                     Your Parents


Page 3, "From Nebraska and Russia"

January 20, 1923
To:Konrad Fahrenbruch McCook, Nebraska

Dear brother Konrad and sister-in-law Annmaria:
       With great joy we can tell you today that we received the 4 "Posilka" (money orders) from you which you sent to us to buy a horse. Oh, how happy and fortunate we feel. We exchanged your gift for five hundred million ruble. I would have been much happier if our other brothers would have helped with it. It disturbs me and I ask myself: have I done something for which my brothers do not forgive me? Many thanks for the gift by which you showed the faithful heart of a brother. Dear brother: With your gift, I think that for the time being, me and mine will be able to get by. I and brother-in-law Konrad Stroh are working together since our lands are side by side in "tiefen Graben" (the deep ditch).
       We sold 20 pud of wheat in Saratov and we will have another 60 pud ground into flour, for sale. In this way I will be able to buy a horse which will cost 3 billion ruble. Now I will tell you why I wrote to you asking for $30. We no longer had a horse and I and my wife had to carry everything for the cow on our backs and also firewood. If you look at our situation from that point of view then you will not begrudge our request to help us get a horse. Has not America done more for you than you required of it. The dear Lord will repay you a thousandfold in time and eternity.
       With best wishes and greetings to you all, I remain, your loving brother, 

                                                          Heinrich Fahrenbruch


Page 3, From Frank

10 February [1923] 
To: Jacob and Liese Grosskopf, Casper, Wyoming

Dear children:
      Today is Sunday. We are sitting together and talking about you and about America. Our hearts are full of gratitude towards you for the good things you have done for us by sending us gifts. First you sent a "Vollmacht" (probably a money order--translator) from your country for which we received some money; then you sent 2 food vouchers which were of great value and highly appreciated. Oh, my dear children, poverty was terribly widespread, there was no food, no clothing, nothing to burn (for heat). -- Today it is somewhat better, one can buy many things at the market, but it is very expensive.
      America has rescued us. If you enter any house here you will see American clothing, American food. Many were those who starved! Some people are completely naked. If the good Lord allows our fruit to grow, you could come with your children for a visit and stay for the 3 months of July, August and September, we would do the best we could for you. Your older children could pick fruit for themselves and we could lift  the smaller ones up so they could also pick some fruit, and you, as parents, could sit in the shade and watch the children. Oh, if only it could be so!
      Hannjoerg works for wages in Kolb. -- Today the weather is cold and stormy. We have fodder and firewood. For livestock we have a cow, 4 sheep, 1 goat, a yearling calf, 7 hens and a pig. I am not in the best of health, I have a bad cough and keep spitting up blood. God help me.
      Do not do any more for us in the future, you have already done a great deal and made great sacrifices for us. We now have food on hand. We were not able to use the stamps you sent, I had to pay one and a half million ruble for a single letter. A pud of Flour costs 35 million, rye Flour 17 million, Meat 2 million per pfund, potatoes 3 million per pud.
      Today, more American things were distributed again but we received nothing from the distribution. I was able to get some tobacco by trading. We are so short of clothing that we soon will have nothing more to wear. Enclosed in your gift were 2 forks, 3 teaspoons, 2 knives, 1 hair comb, 1 scissors and some stickpins. As you can see there is no paper in Russia and one has to reuse old paper. This is perhaps the last letter because one hears that there will be war again --- then we will be cut off again.
      In closing I greet everyone, and write again soon, your parents, Father and Mother,

                                                           Jacob Wacker


Page 3 "Addresses sought from Germany" 

Frankfurt an der Oder
30 January
To: Konrad Schwab possibly in America

Dear friend:
       You should know that I have been here in Germany since December 9th. As soon as I arrived I wrote to my friend Georg Steiglitz for help but he answered that he could not help me because he was out of work. I especially did not want to hear that. He only sent me something for the most necessary clothing. He must certainly have heard about the thousand souls who arrived her on the 9th of December and about the troubles they endured on the journey until they were in Germany. Most have already received assistance from their friends in America but I stand here abandoned. I do not know to whom I can turn (for help). If you can help me a little then at least I will be able to dress (myself). Letters from America arrive here every day, many contain American dollars, others contain sponsorship papers, but I wait in vain. I am writing this letter to you in the hope that you will not abandon me.
       You will probably not remember me because when you left Russia I was no longer in Hussenbach but on the Franker Chutor where my mother had re-married. I have heard that Konrad Loebsack is with you, if so, then he can tell you much about us because we all began the journey out of Russia together. Please talk it over with your brothers and with Georg and Jacob. I do not have their addresses and I also ask you to please send them to me. If you all get together it would be easier for you all.
       If our relationship is unclear to you, your grandfather and my father were physical brothers. My father was known as the Goebels Jerkob;(unknown whether "Jerkob" is correct or a typo---translator) he was well known to you. I can remember you even though I was very young when we visited your house. Please do not refuse my request and let me quickly hear from you.
       Be affectionately greeted by your friend,

                                           Jacob Schwab

Now I want to make Konrad Loebsack aware that I, the Schoolmaster, Bier, Hirsch and Hoffmann, all came to Germany together, as well as also Jette-Bas ( "die Jette-Bas" or "Vas"--- the only thing I can make of that is that the person is female--translator). The latter has already been sent and received $25. The Schoolmaster received 40,000 Marks from his brothers but the rest of us have gotten nothing. Otherwise we are healthy.
      Dear friend Loebsack: Do not forget your friends that you left in Minsk. My address is:

                                                 Heimkehrlager Frankfurt a. d. O.
                                                 Baracke 38, Germany

                                                 Jacob Schwab


       The lady who forwarded the above letters, Mrs. Maria Dannwolf, adds that in addition, Annmargret Leonhardt, Annmaria Wagner, Kathrina Wagner and Jacob Schwab are being sought, who are all from old Hussenbach and should be living in America.....Editor


This translation provided courtesy of Hugh Lichtenwald.