This is a gazetteer of the Volga German colonies (Mother and Daughter) as well as other geographical locations significant to the history of the Volga Germans. Over the centuries, the German colonies along the Volga River have been known by a variety of names in both Russian and German. Not only did colonies often have both a German and a Russian name, but there are various forms of translations and transliterations that can be used among Russian, German, and English. Once the colonists arrived in North or South America, another set of spellings often came into use. This gazetteer was assembled to aid in identifying a colony by the variety of names by which it was known and to identify the standardized names used throughout this website. The main entries are listed in bold face type. In alphabetizing the entries of this gazetteer, the German umlaut has been ignored.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | А | В | Д | Н | Р | С | У | Ш
Galki see Galka
Gaschon see Neu-Hussenbach
Gashon see Neu-Hussenbach
Gattung see Zug
Gebel see Göbel
Georgievka see Biberstein
Georgiewka see Biberstein
German Shcherbakovka see Shcherbakovka
Glarus see Biberstein
Gniluschka see Pfeifer
Gnilushka see Pfeifer
Gnilyshka see Pfeifer
Goebel see Göbel
Goldstein see Holstein
Goloi Karamysh see Balzer
Gololiy see Friedenberg
Gololobovka see Dönhof
Gololobowka see Dönhof
Goly Karamysch see Balzer
Golyi Karamysh see Balzer
Golyj Karamysch see Balzer
Gradsko see Ährenfeld
Grasnovatka see Schuck
Gratska (Грацка) see Kratzke
Gratz see Basel
Grechikhino see Walter
Grechinnaya Luka see Walter
Grechishinaya Luka see Walter
Gretschinaja Luka see Walter
Grintal see Grüntal
Grjasnowatka see Schuck
Grjaznucha see Kraft
Gryznovatka see Schuck
Gusarskij see Husaren
Gvardeiskoye see Pfeifer
Gvardeyskoe see Pfeifer
Gvardeyskoye see Pfeifer